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Core Value Week Celebrations

The All New SANTRO Shines At the Geneva Motor Show 2019

PeopleThe word on which a country stands and the same word can build a strong organization with integrity. Hyundai has given utmost value for this word ‘people’ and made it as one of its core value. When it is the time to strengthen this core value during the CV week, it’s a great idea to make people stay motivated by arranging a motivational seminar in the organization because motivation is the fuel for moving forward in the life.On this day, we had a motivational seminar in the Auditorium by the young Entrepreneurs (Mr. Krishna Chaitanya reddy & his brother Vamsi Krishna reddy) who had successfully reached into the hearts of many young professionals by their inspiring short stories on life & career. Our employees had a great time listening to them and the auditorium was filled with positive energy all around.Customer: Customer!!It is true that Customers are considered to be the King of the market for following reasons:  You cannot give anything to your customer; for retaining them, you need to lure them with the quality product.One should never mess with their customer as they have got a very powerful tool -word of mouth. Negative publicity can prove to be a curse to your business. Customers like to be treated royally. Therefore, your service should be always at their disposal.No king would accept if they are being told or directed. The same is applied to todays customers as well. Gone are those days when customers were easily manipulated. Now the customers demand, not seek for the direction of what to buy and what not to.To recall the importance of its customer, Hyundai had a Car Rally Connect event on 6th September. During which, 30 proud owners of Hyundai cars of all segments  Eon, Grandi10, Elite i20, Xcent, Verna, Creta participated in the rally. It was a to and fro rally from Hyundai campus to Gandipet.  Colleagues who joined the car owners had lot of fun at Gandipet lake. Everyone witnessed the Pride of Hyundai being carried by the owners on their shoulders throughout the rally. As the rally ended, a group picture was captured with MD.